Stuffed Peacocks and Plush Peacocks
It's hard to express how proud we are of our peacock stuffed animals. Hmm. What's the best way to say it? I know! We are proud as a peacock of our stuffed peacocks and plush peacocks. These beautiful birds make wonderful stuffed animals with their bright blue bodies and fabulous plumage. Our selection of stuffed peacocks includes two amazing peacock puppets by Folkmanis, two wonderfully lifelike peacock stuffed animals made by Hansa, two different sizes of stuffed peacocks by Wild Republic, and Perry the Stuffed Peacock by Aurora. Any one of these stuffed peacocks would make a great pal for your favorite bird lover. You'll really be strutting your stuff when you see how happy you make him or her by giving the gift of a beautiful plush peacock. Not to ruffle any tail feathers, but we really think that these peacock stuffed animals are something to crow about!