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Stuffed Calico Cats and Plush Calico Cats

What kid didn't love playing CalicoVision, the game system from the 1980's that used stuffed calico cats and plush calico cats as controllers and featured games like Kitty Kong and Kitty Kong Junior? Ok, wait, a stuffed calico cat for a controller? That doesn't sound right. Oh, ColecoVision was the game system, CalicoVision is what you'll have when you scroll down and look at all of our awesome plush calico cats! To earn the high score in your favorite stuffed calico cat lover's heart all you have to do is pick one of the amazing plush calico cats below and give it to her, or him, as a gift. Each stuffed calico cat has its own unique advantages but any one of them will put a smile on any calico cat lover's face, guaranteed. We offer two plush calico cat puppets just in case your CalecoVision is broken and you want to put on a puppet show as a creative way to entertain your family. Aurora's Esmeralda the Stuffed Calico Cat comes in an array of sizes, from eight inches all the way up to the twenty-eight inch Super Esmeralda, and is a wonderful stuffed animal version of a calico cat. No matter which stuffed calico cat you choose, we're certain that you'll be pleased with your purrr-chase!
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