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Baby Safe Plush with Sound Singing Audubon Birds Stuffed Animals with Sound

Musical Stuffed Animals and Musical Plush Animals

Sing a song of sixpence, or let our musical stuffed animals and musical plush animals sing it for you! We don't have four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie but we do have a red winged blackbird with sound made by Wild Republic. In fact we have lots and lots of birds that make sound made by our pals at Wild Republic. These birds are fantastic and make authentic calls when you squeeze them. Most birds I know won't even let you squeeze them but our Wild Republic Audubon Birds with Sound actually encourage it! We also have a great selection of wind up and pull string stuffed animals that can be found on the following pages. If you're looking for a lullaby, these musical stuffed animals and musical plush animals are exactly what you need. If it makes a sound, you'll find it here. Don't hesitate to give us a call at 866-534-6604 and we will gladly let you listen to any of our musical stuffed animals and musical plush animals right over the phone. (Please do, it makes us smile!)
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