Plush Stage Puppets and Plush Hand Puppets
Whether you call them plush stage puppets or plush hand puppets, these animal puppets are ready to take center stage and do a little entertaining. Hand puppets, or stage puppets, are puppets that consist of the upper body, usually just the head, of an animal and are operated single-handedly. You probably knew that already but we just wanted to make sure we're all on the same page. Our animal stage puppets come in all types, from alpacas to zebras and everything in between. These stage puppets are poised to tell tall tales and animate story time in a way that shadow puppets just can't accomplish. Add an animal hand puppet to any afternoon story time and watch your audience's level of interest and attention rise to new heights. These plush hand puppets are great for libraries, classrooms, daycares, and any other places where children gather to listen and learn. If you are looking for a particular type of animal stage puppet then try typing the animal's name and the word 'puppet' in the search box or you can scroll through the following pages and find an animal puppet that you might not know you want. These things tend to have a way of sorting themselves out and our plush stage puppets have a way of finding the hands that need them.