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Stuffed Beluga Whales and Plush Beluga Whales

Something must have scared our beluga whale stuffed animals because they're all as white as ghosts! Who knows what kind of scary and exciting things these stuffed beluga whales and plush beluga whales see when they're diving deep into the Arctic waters? You'll have to be ready for anything when you're swimming with your stuffed beluga whale and you're sure to have countless amazing adventures that will make great stories to share with future generations of underwater explorers. Once you've earned your sea legs on your expeditions with your plush beluga whale you're sure to be in high demand as an expert of the deep seas. It must be fun down their because most of our beluga whale stuffed animals have big smiles on their faces. Maybe being a stuffed white whale has nothing at all to do with being scared. You'll have to find out what they see down there and let us know. Click on the photos below to learn more about each beluga whale stuffed animal and get ready for your next great adventure!
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